The Success Story behind Netflix
Netflix is the leader in the video streaming industry. Starting as a DVD-by-mail company in 1997, now Netflix has over 118 million paid subscribers. In the U.S. alone, over 50% of households use this service. But why is Netflix so popular?
In 1998, Netflix launched a web-page. Besides, the platform changed from a ‘Pay per rental’ to ‘Monthly Subscription’ model. In the early 2000s’, Netflix focused on online streaming services, and it paid off. In 2008, Netflix finally introduced the Streaming service we know today.
Today, the company is famous for its original shows, television classics, and movies. And its revenue is estimated as high as $17.63 billion in 2019. Before answering the question of how to start a streaming service, let us take a closer look at Netflix.
Netflix business model
The business model is not only about the way you monetize your business. It is also about how you embrace your audience. Besides, the business model creates an organization ecosystem, able to scale upwards in the future.
Netflix uses a subscription-based business model. In combination with global expansion, this business model allows the company to scale up quickly and steadily.
Netflix Value Proposition
The Netflix value proposition includes four essential elements, such as:
Accessibility. The company delivers video across different platforms, operating systems, and devices. By using this approach, Netflix maximizes its fan base. Subscribers watch their favorite video content via browsers, tablets, and other devices.
Original content. Netflix broadcast exclusive programs and third-party publisher's shows. Besides, the service offers some in-house shows which are not available on other platforms.
No ads. Netflix shows ads only to free account users. But, we all know how irritating ads are when you are watching your favorite series. At the same time, premium subscription owners enjoy online streaming without ads. In this way, the service motivates users to buy a subscription.
Recommendation algorithm. Netflix has thousands of T.V. shows available for streaming. The recommendation algorithm gathers relevant content and increases engagement with the platform.
How does Netflix make money?
The essential Netflix revenue source is subscriptions. Users can choose from the following three subscription monthly plans:
- Basic at $7.99 per month. With this plan, users can watch movies and T.V. shows on laptops, T.V., phones, and tablets. This plan does not include high-definition viewing, and users can only watch videos on one screen at a time.
- Standard at a cost of $10.99 per month. At this price, users can watch H.D. videos on two simultaneous viewings.
- Premium costs $13.99 per month. After paying the subscription fee, users can watch 4K videos on four screens at the same time.
As for the target audience, Netflix has three main business segments:
- Domestic streaming. The platform revenues come from monthly fees, paid by U.S. subscribers.
- International streaming. Monthly membership fees came from subscribers outside the United States.
- Domestic DVD. Revenue generated by US subscribers who pay DVD-by-mail monthly subscription fees.
Tags: Business, Social Media, Internet
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